/ Subscriptions / VirCru Annual Subscription

VirCru Annual Subscription

The VirCru Annual Subscription provides GSM 2G/4G connection with your VirCru Hub at a discounted annual rate.

94.99 / year

The VirCru Subscription for the boat owner whose boat is in use, on the water or needs monitoring all year round.

To enable users to receive notifications from the VirCru system, there must be a valid subscription in place, should the subscription lapse for a period of 6 months the SIM card will be deactivated, and access to the system will no longer be available

Need help with your set up?

Where is your boat kept?

What type of engine do you have?

How many battery packs do you have?

How many cabins are there onboard?

Do you have a tender onboard?

Do you want your fridge to be cold when you arrive?

Let us guide you through getting VirCru onboard your boat.