Choose the right products for your boat

Not sure which VirCru products you need on your boat? Use our personalised tool to see which set-up of the VirCru Smart Boat System best suits your boat. Once you've seen our recommendation just add the items to your basket to get VirCru onboard your boat.

Do you have more than one boat?

How big is you boat?


Where is your boat kept?

Swing Mooring
Dry Mooring
Off Water

How far away do you live from your boat?


Do you have access to Shore Power?


Is your boat on the water all year round?


What kind of engine does your boat have?

Stern Drive

How many engines does your boat have?


How many battery units does your boat have?


How many cabins does your boat have?


Do you have any of the following appliances on your boat?

Internal Lights

Do you have any of the following items on your boat?

Would you also like to monitor smoke or carbon monoxide?

Carbon Monoxide

Why is this important?

The type of mooring you have will define what is likely to be most important to you. If you’re at a marina then you’ll probably want to monitor shore power. If you’re on swing mooring then you’ll probably be more concerned by water levels and exposure to the elements. This question helps us to determine the ideal combination of Sensors for your boat.

Why is this important?

The further away you live from your boat, the more you need VirCru. Knowing from a distance that your boat is where you left it, water levels are good and batteries are all charged is reassuring if you don't live near your boat.

Why is this important?

The VirCru Shore Power Sensor will notify you if your boat has lost connection to shore power. This question helps us determine if this Sensor would suit your needs.

Why is this important?

VirCru offers flexible subscriptions regardless of how you use your boat. From pay monthly to discounts based on annual; or high season options.

Why is this important?

Whether you have an inboard, outboard or sterndrive will help us define whether you’d be interested in security as well as usage.

Why is this important?

Sharing your engine capacity allows us to recommend the perfect number of VirCru Engine Hours Sensors for your boat.

The number of engines you have enables us to recommend a number of different sensors relating to security and usage.

Why is this important?

Sharing your boat’s battery capacity allows us to recommend the perfect number of Battery Sensors for your boat.

The VirCru Connected Hub comes with two wired battery monitoring options out of the box. If you’ve got more then you’ll need our wireless VirCru Battery Sensor for additional battery packs.

Why is this important?

Keeping your boat safe is a key concern for everyone at VirCru. By sharing the number of cabins on your boat, VirCru can recommend the number of Smart Tags needed to keep your boat secure from intruders.

Our VirCru Smart Tag has been designed to alert you if a door is unexpectedly opened on your boat. For maximum security and peace of mind, we’d recommend one for every door on your boat.

Why is this important?

These appliances can be turned on and off using a VirCru DC Control Switch, or monitored by our Smart Tags and Temperature Sensors.

The VirCru DC Control Switch lets you control two appliances per Switch. If you’ve got more appliances to control then you’ll need multiple switches.

VirCru also offers sensors specifically to monitor the internal temperature of your appliances. We’d definitely recommend one for a fridge if you have one.

Sharing your appliance setup helps us make informed recommendations on the number of Sensors needed for your boat.

Why is this important?

As well as the boat itself, VirCru can monitor valuables kept onboard your boat. Share information on valuables kept onboard to get a recommendation on the number of VirCru Smart Tags you might need.

The VirCru Smart Tag has been designed to alert you if an item is removed from your boat unexpectedly. Discreetly attach a Tag to your tender, outboard, paddleboard and we’ll notify you if it’s moved away from your boat. We’d recommend one for each expensive item on your boat.

Why is this important?

In partnership with Fire Angel, VirCru has created a range of products to help you monitor smoke and carbon monoxide levels remotely.

Suggested package

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