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Our Story

There’s over 15 years of experience in Electrical and Software Engineering and Product Design here at VirCru. We also think we know a lot about telemetry and remote monitoring devices, but when it comes to sailing, we’d rather describe ourselves as ‘expert hobbyists’. 

We’re enthusiastic boat owners with experience ranging from owning sailing dinghies to old cruisers and power boats. The one thing that none of us is lucky enough to have is a home near where we keep our boats. This has been at times problematic. When leaving our boats, between us, we’ve contrived to leave sunroofs open, leave isolators on, leave engines untrimmed on dry moorings and have collectively submerged two boats. All this experience, both professionally and personally led us to use our knowledge to develop VirCru, a system to ensure we didn’t face these problems again. 

What we wanted to deliver (and we think we have) is the best engineered, best value and most efficient boat monitoring system available on the market.